
韩晓, 刘凤之, 谢计蒙, 王孝娣, 冀晓昊, 王海波*
中国农业科学院果树研究所/农业部园艺作物种质资源利用重点实验室, 辽宁兴城125100

通信作者:王海波;E-mail: haibo8316@163.com

摘 要:

用Li-6400光合仪测定各葡萄(Vitis vinifera)品种的设施环境适应性参数, 利用熵值法、主成分分析法、Topsis评价法、熵权Topsis评价法4种综合评价方法对其设施环境适应性进行评价。通过比较4种综合评价方法对不同葡萄品种设施环境适应性评价的差异, 筛选出适宜评价葡萄设施环境适应性的综合评价方法。结果表明, Topsis综合评价法对各个葡萄品种设施环境适应性的评价结果与反映其设施环境适应性的连年丰产能力最为相近, 更适宜作为环境适应性评价的方法。用该方法评价时, ‘红标无核’、‘紫珍香’、‘无核早红’、‘红旗特早玫瑰’和‘87-1’的设施环境适应性好, 适于设施栽培。

关键词:葡萄品种; 设施环境适应性; 综合评价方法

收稿:2017-06-05   修定:2017-09-13


Comparison of four comprehensive evaluation methods in evaluating environmental adaptabilities of different grape cultivars

HAN Xiao, LIU Feng-Zhi, XIE Ji-Meng, WANG Xiao-Di, JI Xiao-Hao, WANG Hai-Bo*
Fruit Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences / Key Laboratory of Germplasm Resources Utilization of Horticultural Crops, Ministry of Agriculture, Xingcheng, Liaoning 125100, China

Corresponding author: WANG Hai-Bo; E-mail: haibo8316@163.com


In order to ascertain a comprehensive evaluation method to evaluate grape environmental adaptability (EA) in greenhouse environment, 4 kinds of comprehensive evaluation methods including the principal component analysis, entropy evaluation method, Topsis evaluation method and Topsis method with entropy weight were used to calculate EAs of 21 kinds of grape cultivars. The EA parameters, such as apparent quantum yield, light combination point and dark respiration rate, were measured by Li-6400 photosynthetic apparatus. The results indicate that the EA value calculated by Topsis method was consistent with the grape annual yield, so Topsis method was the most suitable method to evaluate grape EA, and ‘Hongbiaowuhe’, ‘Zizhenxiang’, ‘Seedless Red’, ‘Hongqitezaomeigui’ and ‘87-1’ with the best EAs were suitable for planting in greenhouse.

Key words: grape cultivar; environmental adaptability; comprehensive evaluation method

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